Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Sunday Mornings

Are for me.

This will actually be a quick post, as I am all gym-ed up and ready to head out the door.

But I wanted to share part of the change I made beginning last summer.

I discovered that there was a Body Pump class on Sunday mornings, that even as the schedule changed four times/year, remained the same.  So I made this a standard class.  I am now friends with the instructor and some of the other regulars in the class.  They hold me accountable, and I also hold them accountable.  We didn't arrange anything, or set up mandatory groups.  We just know each other, and care about the continued health of one another.  This is a great thing about group fitness classes.

I began to spin at the end of December, and just prior to my Sunday Pump class, there is a Spin class.  It took me a little while to build up to doing those two classes back-to-back.  But I now do this as well.  In between, I eat a packet of 100-calorie dark chocolate almonds...these...are...amazing!

Normally, I would be on a bike RIGHT NOW, and now blogging in my home.  But, I decided to do some jogging today to get ready for a 5K Mud run coming up soon (yes, I have lost my mind...) instead.  As I spun yesterday, and plan to tomorrow, I am altering my routine a bit.

So, like I said yesterday, it's a step.  A first step.  A year ago, if you had told me I would be where I am today, I would have been hopeful about it, but probably disbelieving.  I had made the promise to myself too many times, and while I always believed it as I made the promise, I hadn't quite fulfilled it.

But now, I am off to the gym.  Take a step today!

One successful session of Body Pump, and a quick 2 miles on the treadmill (well, quick by my standards).

What did you do today?

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